Welcome To My Website

Hi, I’m Cynthia, but you can also call me Kimola

Welcome to my website!

This is a platform to share with you professional, educational and personal development – type opportunities.

In addition, I will also share my personal experiences and those of outstanding young people, I have managed to  interacted with over the years.  

I want this website to be a platform to help more people to discover and apply for youth opportunities in areas they are passionate about – in any corner of the world! 

We are not bound to a location! You can succeed locally, regionally and globally! 

There are incredible young people who know this and have gone ahead to do exemplary things all over the world. 

I have been fortunate enough to meet some of them, and I want to share their stories with you for inspiration. 

“We tell people to follow their dreams, but you can only dream of what you can imagine, and, depending on where you come from, your imagination can be quite limited.”
Trevor Noah
In His Book; Born a Crime:South African Childhood

I love that quote from Trevor Noah‘s book, Born a Crime, where he described perfectly the correlation between the attainment of our vision and dreams, to what we are exposed to in life.

It either expands or shrinks your imagination.

He has a very inspiring life story and is living proof that you can achieve your dreams.

From growing up during the South African apartheid to now hosting The Daily Show, winning an Emmy winner and becoming a #1 New York Times BestSeller.

If you have not read his book, you can find it here.

Why Am I Passionate About Youth Opportunities?

Cynthia during the Chevening Scholarship Welcome event in London | Cynthia Kimola
Cynthia at ExCel Centre, London, during Chevening Scholarship Welcome event, 2018.

I am passionate about connecting people to each other and also conecting people to opportunities because I believe we can all learn from each other.

That’s why I love talking to people! 

You never know what you may come out with! 

Personally, I always come out learning something new.

And, I am a practical learner. 

I learn best when people are real and share their experiences and life lessons candidly with me – the good and the bad.

Not only do they broaden my perspective; but these conversations have helped me to discover amazing opportunities that turned my life around, such as the Chevening Scholarship! (It had me relocate to the UK for 1.5 years).

What Are These Youth 'Opportunities' ?

I have mentioned the word opportunities in the paragraphs above, a couple of times, so what exactly do I mean when I say ‘opportunities’, ?  

What I mean or classify as youth opportunities; are  fellowships, conferences, scholarships, grants, awards, internships, placements, jobs, entrepreneurial spaces etc.

All of which, can help you not only career-wise but also socially, as you meet new people, expand your network and also most importantly, get to experience something new through travel.

It was through conversations that I was able to learn about opportunities that led me to  win 3 fully-funded scholarships  that changed my life for the better – in 2016, 2018 and 2019. And I’m hoping to get more in the coming years.

And I want to do the same for you too! 

Disclaimer: I am not in any way branding myself as an expert on this but I want to share what I have learnt along the way. I don’t claim to know all the ins and outs but what I keep learning from all the people I get to have conversations with. 

Technology has increased access to information

What Challenges Do Youth Face Accessing These Opportunities?

We are all brilliant but the challenge I find is that most young people and especially African Youth miss such opportunities because: 

  1. They don’t even know that such opportunities exist
  2. They believe that it’s too out of reach for them. 

These are the two things I wish to change with this website!

Technology has made it possible for us to access information and I want to accelerate levelling the playing field for us.

I want to point you in the right direction where you will find these opportunities easily. 

If you are looking for study abroad, I have compiled a list of 9 of the best websites that help you find scholarships.

There will also be feature stories, videos and podcasts from the conversations I will have with some of the amazing successful young people that I have managed to meet from all over the world, to share with you  how they did it. 

I always love learning about the process!

If you do too, then you will gain so much value by visiting this website, often. 

My hope is that every time you come to this site, you feel inspired, connected and motivated to live your dreams boldly!

Below is a video of one of the opportunities I managed to get in 2018/2019 – a fully-funded Chevening scholarship to study a Master’s degree in the UK. 

Please watch it and learn a bit about my story 🙂

Thanks for stopping by a friend! 

I would love to get to know you too.

Please comment below and tell me which country you’re from and what sort of opportunities you would love to get! 

Let’s help each other out 😉

Follow me on social media too!


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Cynthia Kimola is a journalist and content creator from Kenya. She is a Chevening Alumni from the 2018/2019 cohort and wants to help more young people to discover and win more opportunities that can take them out of their comfort zone and help them to sharpen their leadership and networking skills. She currently blogs and also has a YouTube channel: Cynthia Kimola to inspire and educate the youth through her content.

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